Banking 3.0

The world is dawning into the era of money sovereignty and money surveillance

The world is dawning into the era of money sovereignty and money surveillance

Banking 3.0

The world is dawning into the era of money sovereignty and money surveillance. People would be relying on technological systems than in Legacy systems, achieving full control of their money, their identity and their own economy. We aim to empower the transition by offering responsive financial services with “kinetic money”, dynamic and constantly working for the User: always in their control, under the most competitive performance.

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The world is dawning into the era of money sovereignty and money surveillance

Banking 3.0

The world is dawning into the era of money sovereignty and money surveillance

Before the global pandemic, half of the world’s global population lived with less than $5.5 dollars a day

Banking with Bio-identity

Before the global pandemic, half of the world’s global population lived with less than $5.5 dollars a day

Around $240 trillion dollars would be both migrated and issued on top of a new trading layer in the upcoming years

Capital Markets 3.0

Around $240 trillion dollars would be both migrated and issued on top of a new trading layer in the upcoming years