Banking with Bio-identity

Before the global pandemic, half of the world’s global population lived with less than $5.5 dollars a day

Before the global pandemic, half of the world’s global population lived with less than $5.5 dollars a day

Banking with Bio-identity

Before the global pandemic, half of the world’s global population lived with less than $5.5 dollars a day. We are here to change that. Finance App Bio-Identity means you can bank without any excess bureaucracy, using your face + voice + body. Connecting them to instant pools or working capital making strong emphasis on Commitment on the Trust deposited on our Users.

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Before the global pandemic, half of the world’s global population lived with less than $5.5 dollars a day

Banking with Bio-identity

Before the global pandemic, half of the world’s global population lived with less than $5.5 dollars a day

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Around $240 trillion dollars would be both migrated and issued on top of a new trading layer in the upcoming years