Finance App Events

Hackathons and events are an essential part of the ecosystem, in order to provide an empiric experience and explain, interact, and drive adoption into the masses

Hackathons and events are an essential part of the ecosystem, in order to provide an empiric experience and explain, interact, and drive adoption into the masses

Finance App Events

Hackathons and events are an essential part of the ecosystem, in order to provide an empiric experience and explain, interact, and drive adoption into the masses. We aim to talk-less, build, interact and implement more. Sponsor-based events will offer free entrance, whereby you can meet and experiment beta products. We aim to practise a “roll up sleeve” approach, where finding entrepreneurs, talent and opportunities in real-time will lead to new startups and technological solutions.

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Our goal is to make every single person part-owner of the VR/AR layer of our economy active all the time

Artificial Intelligence

Our goal is to make every single person part-owner of the VR/AR layer of our economy active all the time

Today the unification of primary and secondary marketplaces aims to be global

Capital Markets 3.0

Today the unification of primary and secondary marketplaces aims to be global

Because retail and commercial banking tend to disappear, we are offering Hybrid Retail banking products, where customers can compare and choose what's best for them

Commercial Banking 3.0

Because retail and commercial banking tend to disappear, we are offering Hybrid Retail banking products, where customers can compare and choose what's best for them