Hybrid Finance

With banking penetration slipping, due to restricted branch opening hours, which nowadays, also keeps banks offering negative interest rates

With banking penetration slipping, due to restricted branch opening hours, which nowadays, also keeps banks offering negative interest rates

Hybrid Finance

With banking penetration slipping, due to restricted branch opening hours, which nowadays, also keeps banks offering negative interest rates, a new form of Community-based programmable wealth management is being built while you read this. Finance App also aims to be a center of active money market builders to distribute gains within the community, with both tangible real work assets and finance coding.

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Our goal is to make every single person part-owner of the VR/AR layer of our economy active all the time

Artificial Intelligence

Our goal is to make every single person part-owner of the VR/AR layer of our economy active all the time

Today the unification of primary and secondary marketplaces aims to be global

Capital Markets 3.0

Today the unification of primary and secondary marketplaces aims to be global

Because retail and commercial banking tend to disappear, we are offering Hybrid Retail banking products, where customers can compare and choose what's best for them

Commercial Banking 3.0

Because retail and commercial banking tend to disappear, we are offering Hybrid Retail banking products, where customers can compare and choose what's best for them